Monday 22 March 2010

Test Shoots and Scripting

Before i started filming i did three test shots too double check my filming would eb of a good quality.

first test shot:
First i filmed over the sea to check the lighting for when i was filming some weather shots and panning along the beach.

second test shot:
Secondly i filmed the mise-en-scene to check the camera was shooting my cast clearly, because one of my cast was wearing a brightly coloured pink jacket i wanted too double check it would be a problem.

third test shoot:
the last test i did was on picture quality when filming. The second time i filmed on the beach it was very bright to begin with then then it became cloudy during the day and i didnt want it to look bad continuity, as if i had filmed it all over different days.

I didnt need to use any scripts for my music video because nobody was miming or speaking over the song. I didnt want any voice overs because i thought it would ruin my chosen song and no voice overs needed to be used to express any emotion or actions.

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