Friday 26 March 2010

David Guetta album cover

This album is by David Guetta and it called One Love which is also one of the tracks on the album.
The most eye catching thing about this album cover is the picture of David Guetta on the front in black and white. Because it is black and white it make the title on the album cover in white and pink stand out a lot more, i think that is why they have chosen the picture of David Guetta to be in black and white. He is wearing glasses in the photo which is hiding his identity but also making him look "modernyl trendy" at the same time. You can also see the make/name of his Tshirt which says "haymakers" this to an audience would create voyeuristicv pleasure, making the audience want to be/act like David Guetta as he is placed on this photo.

The back of this album is very interesting to look at. its got a white background unlike the front and still consists of the black and pink theme.
Down the spines of the CD cover it has a customised David Guetta banner like strip, which is pink with david guetta wrote in white on it.
The "One Love" looks like it has been painted on scruffily but it look cery effectiv eon the cover. The song are not just placed in the centre or the top the the back of the CD cover there placed to the bottom right hand coner. The font it fairly small but readable. It gives the name of the song in normal font then who ever the song is sung with (Feat) is placeed in bold font to stand out from the rest of the normaly fonts.

The conventions of the CD cover are placed differently to a normal/ the other CD covers i have looked at. It says "music by BMI" down the spine instead of just at the bottom with the bar code and the bar code is placed in the top right hand corner with the artist's name "David Guetta" underneither it also with a pink border round it.

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