Tuesday 16 March 2010


first character:
James Cooper
wearing: coat, scarf, skinny jeans, plimsoles.

I chose James Cooper to be in my music video because he was the perfect image for my target audience. It would have been also esay to change his "look" if i wanted to by a chngae of clothes/ hair style ect. He always tunred up on time which i knew he would and wasd a very reliable source for the video.

second character:
Amanda Croft
wearing: pink toggle coat, leggins, scarf, hat.

I chose Amanda Croft to feature in my music video becuase she was also like James Cooper a perfect image towards my target audience. Becuase Amanda was 18 it was the same as my target audience i also knew that Amanda would not let me down when i planned for us to shoot and she always turned up the the correct clothes i asked her to be in.

Third Character:
Chloe Robinson (Myself)
Wearing: leggins, Ugg boots, white top, cream zip up jacet with a jacket with no sleves no top.

I acted myself towards the end of the video to have a slight change of character from Amanda and James. This was not too difficult but i did have to do some test shoots and keep checking them.

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