Monday 7 December 2009

Audience Research Evaluation

Audience Research Evaluation

The first question I asked my audience was of what gender they were of. I made the questionnaire equal by having 10 female’s and 10 male’s this way I would have a clearer idea of the separation by gender if any.

The second question I asked was on which genre/style of music they preferred listening too. Most popular was R&B second was rock then dance and last indie. I was quite surprised by these results as I imagined indie to be a lot higher then rock music but R&B been first did not surprise me when it was most popular.

My third question was if they preferred watching a music video with or without live footage of the band (voyeuristic pleasure). A lot more people answer yes they would prefer to see the band on the video set. I think this is down to the young adults wanting to take after/ replica their favourite bands.

The fourth question I asked was did they prefer a music video with or without narrative structure. The results to this question were quite close but mostly said with a narrative structure which I was surprised at because modern music videos do not normally have a clear narrative structure to them.

My last question was what they would prefer to see in a music video they were watching. I gave them a choice of 4 settings: dancing, Band playing, Beach or Clubbing. The most popular choice was band playing, then clubbing next dancing then finally a beach setting.
These results didn’t really surprise me because of the results from my third question.

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