Tuesday 24 November 2009

My Music Video Synopsis

Music video/ story board ideas

Located on a beach using five or six characters. I looked at the music video Faunts ‘M4’ because it was filmed on a beach which is what I want to do for my music video. I got some good ideas of the camera shots for my music video from this one because it used a wide range of camera shots and fast paced editing. I don’t want to use shots that last longer then 20 seconds because they will be too long for my synchronization to go with the beat of my song. I wanted to try and write the lyrics of the chorus to my song in the sand but this will be hard to get the song and timing right in with the beats of the song while writing in the sand. The music video by Coldplay ‘Yellow’ was also very helpful because it was filmed on a beach in Liverpool and used lots of weather shots all the way through the music video which looked very effective. There is a main character in the ‘yellow’ music video too which is what I would like to include in my video but with a few more characters. I want to start my music video off with an extreme close up of a girls eye and slowly zoom out to make sure you know that the character is on a beach by filming the sea in the background. My music video will not include voyeuristic pleasure because I am not having characters/artists singing or miming anything in the music video and would rather have a video which has so narrative structure because my audience research showed that that was the most liked type of music video. My music video will be a bit like a short film but with no narrative structure to it.

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